Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Need for a Predictable Life

A thank you to _aeb for sharing her drawing in Creative Commons on  flickr.

From Matters of the Mind*:

     "Some suggestions for helping others cope with bipolar illness include the following:

          "Create a low-stress, comfortable environment.  Keep sensory stimulation, such as noise, at a low level.  Keep life predictable." 

I guess it is no wonder that I am feeling depressed again, with a lay-off notice looming over our heads, scheduled to show up this Friday.  Kind people are helping in every way possible to keep it from happening.  I feel blessed so much, too, for savings in the bank, for food in the pantry, for the help of friends and of heaven.  

But I do think that I will be healthier when life is more predictable once more.

*Matters of the Mind:  Latter-day Saint Helps for Mental Health, Edited by Marleen S. Williams, Ph.D., W. Dean Belnap, M.D., John P. Liningstone, Ed.D., Deseret Book, Salt lake City, Utah, 2008, page 164.


Putz said...

i can predict for you good, as joseph smith said about things, not balance but in particular balance in good things

Emily A. said...

I feel your pain. Naturally. :)

After having been down this road a couple times already, I can give you words of encouragement.

"Things just have a way of working out." - Gordon B Hinckley

I think the difficulty with these types of trials is that we feel things are out of our control, but that lack of control is an illusion.

We do have control of our lives and destiny, and we are smart women. We will find a way to make things work.

The real hard part is bending our will to the Lord's so that the changes and adjustments in our routines and predictability don't completely destroy our sense of hope and normalcy.

We're survivors! We can make it through, as you said, with the right people in our lives and the help of heaven. :)

Putz said...

how are things going/????