Sunday, June 6, 2010

Still His Lamb

365/106 Lamb, originally uploaded by justmakeit.

This picture illustrates how I am feeling of late. I am still His lamb, but in a pen, waiting for a wider pasture. I know that I am loved and that nourishment is coming. But all is not well.

I have loved ones who talk with me from outside the wire, but I am longing to have a friend who can fellowship with me from the inside. Is it you? Do you understand what I am going through? Will you visit with me?

Let's discuss how to be friends from both sides of this barrier of mental dis-ease, shall we? I would sure appreciate it.


Naomi said...

I agree that having friends on the inside makes a big difference. While friends on the outside can be a big support it really helps to feel understood. Someday you might be that person for someone else.

Donnell Allan said...

Thank you for being a friend on the inside, Naomi, as much as possible. Our conversations mean so much to me.

Heather said...

I've been thinking so much about you. You are in my prayers.

Emily A. said...

You know I am always available to talk and to have an open mind and heart. We have not been through the same things, but I feel like I am available to understand. I love you mom.

Donnell Allan said...

Thank you, Heather, for remembering me and for praying for me.

And Emily, I know you have tried hard to understand. I really appreciate it. I love you, too.

Unknown said...

Well... I may not have a diagnosed mental illness, but I have had a lot of stress and crap happen to me in my life so I do know what it's like to be on that inside of the cage.
bad things happen to good people. and I know that you're someone who will pull through this with grace and strength in the end... in the meantime, I enjoy visiting with you on whatever side of the cage you feel comfortable.

Donnell Allan said...

Thank you, No Surf. I consider you a true friend, even if we have never met in person. Your words are very heartening to me.