Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chipping Away

Chipping away at the corner, originally uploaded by Underpuppy.

I learned long ago that it was not good for me try to stay with a job, uninterrupted, from beginning to end. I generally become very anxious, for example, if I attempt to put all the clothes away when they come out of the dryer. So, I chip away. It works much better for me to just throw things on the bed, then pick up an item or two, and put them away, each time I pass through the room. How much of this is due to Bipolar Disorder, or to ADD, which I also have, is a mystery to me. Perhaps you have an insight to share about this.

A benchmark for me as to how I am doing with healing, as a matter of fact, is whether or not I am able to unload the dishwasher entirely of its clean dishes in one standing.

What a treat it is when that happens.

Lately, my husband has been doing the dishwasher tasks a lot.

A thank you to Underpuppy for sharing this picture on flickr.


Putz said...

my insight is that you are perfectly normal.....so what if you only put a few things away at a time...that is just being organized...do you like my insight????

Donnell Allan said...

I just found it interesting that the very first dose of ADD medication I ever took enabled me to, in one uninterrupted effort, wash my dishes, dry them, put them all away and wipe down the counters for the first time in my life. Suddenly, I understood how so many other sisters managed to get so much done in so little time.

I do like to be organized, so I am glad that I have figured out ways to keep things orderly, even if it's in piecemeal fashion.

Thanks for your comments. I always appreciate your insights.