Monday, March 2, 2009

My Mind of Late

Devil Rock from Stefan on Vimeo.

I have so many thoughts that I can't think. The spinning keeps me in a stupor. Does anyone know what I mean?

This is my brain on mania.


Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your blog on LDS BLOGS. I thought you mighe be interested in a site my wife and I just built called, which uses simple, explanatory videos to explain the Mormon faith. Feel free to feature any of these videos on your blog, or just share them with non-member friends. We're hoping these videos will be missionary tools to help members share their beliefs. Anyway, sorry to spam your comments section. I couldn't find any contact information for you on your blog.

- Doug & Laurel

Donnell Allan said...

Thanks, Doug and Laurel. I visited your site and thought it could be very helpful for sharing our beliefs with our friends. I added your button to another of my blogs. It's at

Good job!

Putz said...

normal normal normal.....head spins for me then oldssheimer and then blank{my mind that is}