Tuesday, June 17, 2008


fairly isolated
Originally uploaded by lynn smith

I had a busy day yesterday, and spent hours outside the walls of my home. I made it through the day, only getting teary a few times. But by the time I got home I was depleted of energy and spent the evening collapsed on the couch. It is interesting how emotional fatigue takes a toll on the physical body as well.

Today I would like to go to bed and cry all day. Blogging is a good creative distraction. So here I am.

(Click on the picture for credits.)


Kelli said...

I am mentally drained also. And if the kiddos would let me lay on the couch or have a good cry I would also. The good thing is Kevin is home now for summer. (He is a teacher) except for football/weightraining, which is every day or so but not that long of hours. Hope you feel better.

Emily A. said...

I also think its amazing how emotional and mental processes can effect the body. I wish science would catch up to understanding the body the way we understand things like physics. At this point, I almost feel like medical science is somewhat witchcraft and somewhat science.