Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Question Mark Sign On Hobson's Old Building . . . "

Question Mark Sign On Hobson's Old Building, Corner Of Henry & Main (Honor, MI)
Originally uploaded by takomabibelot

This is how I feel today. I'm falling apart, with a big question mark on my forehead. Why am I still depressed? Why is it getting worse instead of better?

I am so thankful for supportive family, their love, and the gift of the Comforter. Like this building, I am still standing. I know that I will be remodeled and renewed in time. But for now, there are too many questions.

And my mind is in no condition to try to find the answers to them.

(Click on the picture for credits.)


Emily A. said...

I hope you don't mind my observations...I just want to help if I can.

I noticed that you had a kind of manic episode for a little while, and I wondered if you were aware of it because you were still feeling depressed while you had it.

I don't know what they are doing with your medications right now, but it seems to me that your mood stabilizer is working, but your anxiety never really got managed.

Infact, since you started meds, its gotten a lot worse. The public phobia and fear of going outside the house didn't come until you started meds. I'm just curious what patterns you have seen since you started the meds.

After watching the video about the woman who had a brain hemorage, I think psychiatrists are a little too eager to combine medications when they don't know how they effect the individual. Have you considered doing Dr. Amen? I know you aren't a huge fan, but at least his place could give you a holistic solution and pinpoint exactly where in the brain the problem is. I think in your case, that might be the solution considering none of these medications seem to be doing the trick.

I love you and I don't want you do suffer like this anymore. I want to help if I can.

Kelli said...

I pray for some kind of solution for you at this time. Your a great person with so much to offer, I wish you werent stuck in this kind of pattern. Hugs and all my love