Friday, August 22, 2008

Pills Anonymous

White-eared Sibia picking Idesia polycarpa.(白耳倒吃山桐子)
Originally uploaded by John&Fish

You may have noticed that I do not post much about the specific medications I am taking. This is not because I feel any shame about your knowing. I do not tell you what I am taking because I do not want you to think that what is working (or not) for me will also work (or not) for you. Medications respond in different ways for different people. You and your doctor will have to decide what is best for you, for your particular chemistry.

It is kind of heartening, knowing that we are very distinct individuals, right down to our most minute wiring. There is nobody else just like me. There is nobody else just like you.

And yet, we have so much to share with one another.

1 comment:

Bryan and Ellie said...

Hi! Of course feel free to link to our blog. We are honored that you read our random meanderings.

Take care,
