Friday, January 16, 2009


Leaves broke out with "fall rash"
Originally uploaded by Ctd 2005

I have a rash. I also have that virus which is going around. Viruses can bring on rashes. Lamictal, which is the medication I take to stabilize my mood swings, can bring on a rash as well. I did not know before taking Lamictal that any rash could be life-threatening, but the Lamictal rash, which is Stevens-Johnson syndrome, is such a rash. The standard advisement is to contact one's doctor immediately if a rash appears.

I called my psychiatrist's office when I got up this morning. I could hardly speak because of the phlegm in my throat, from the flu, but I asked for an appointment as soon as possible. I was connected to another receptionist, with whom--between fits of coughing and considerable clearing of my throat-- I left a message on a machine.

Now, after several hours, I have yet to hear back. Left hanging, I feel foolish, realizing that this may all be a false alarm. On the other hand, my vision has gotten increasingly blurred over the past months, which is also a Lamictal side-effect. It would be nice to be able to see what I am writing again. I think that I don't want to be on Lamictal any more.

I feel like all of this is too much for me to handle. I am depressed and crying again, and just when I was beginning to feel some normalcy coming back into my life.

(For those who are searching for information on the Lamictal rash, there are pictures on Google Images, which are like the rash I am experiencing. My daughter, however, was on Lamictal and developed a different sort of rash, which manifested as purple blotches on the underside of her chin. It appeared shortly after she began taking the Lamictal, and disappeared as soon as she stopped taking it with a switch to Depakote. Our psychiatrist says that the rash can appear at any time and in a variety of forms.)

Update: Having just re-read this post, I can see why my mom panicked and counseled me via email to go immediately to the ER. What I did not make clear was that what I was experiencing was just the faint beginnings of what looked like it could be the Lamictal rash. The photographs online are quite graphic and definitely scary looking. I just have a few-- 12 or 15-- pink and red spots.

It is now nine p.m. I never did hear back from the psychiatrist's office. I suspect that, despite my efforts to speak clearly on the message I left, the words came out garbled on the other end and no one could tell who called. Anyway, after taking an Ativan for my mounting anxiety, and spending the afternoon hacking and sneezing, but not dying, I'm not worried much about the rash at this point. I will just keep an eye on it. It will probably leave with the flu virus.

(Sorry, Mom.)

A thank you to Ctd 2005 for sharing this photograph on flickr.


Unknown said...

urgh... all my kids are sick right now. And my husband. And my voice teachers, and everyone around me... and I'm supposed to sing in a recital next Saturday. Is it selfish of me that my first thought on reading this was, "i'm glad I don't see her in real life because I don't want to get her cold.."

But I really do hope you get better. Fast. Stop worrying :)

Unknown said...

Just googled the rash and I'm soo soo sorry. Yikes. Do you have lavendar oil lying around? If not... you might want to try it (if they don't have any other suggestions for you...) it does help with itching and heals skin problems pretty well. :( I hope you feel better.

Kelli said...

thats horrible they left you hangin', Sorry you must feel horrible. Hang in there.

Donnell Allan said...

Thank you NoSurfGirl and Kelli. I hope you read my update on the bottom of the post. I'm afraid that I was feeling overwhelmed when I posted and didn't explain things clearly enough.

My rash is very small, not itchy, not ugly. Just something to worry me when I was already feeling poorly.

Thanks for reading and commenting. It's so good to know that you are out there, and that you care.