Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When Guilt Breaks Through the Calm

Stormy Coast
Originally uploaded by orvaratli

Reminders are good. Reminders in writing by experts are sometimes especially good. I try to live life as simply and as stress-free as possible, but unwarranted guilt repeatedly disturbs my calm. ("You are selfish. You are spoiled. You are not doing your share.")

I'm thankful for this passage from Matters of the Mind: Latter-day Saint Helps for Mental Health, page 164, under suggestions for helping others cope with bipolar illness:

"Create a low-stress, comfortable environment. Keep sensory stimulation, such as noise, at a low level. Keep life predictable."

These are exactly the conditions I feel are critical for me to maintain. I am thankful to have this additional witness that my impressions are correct, and my desires valid.

It is not only okay; it is right and good and proper to take care of myself.

A thank you to orvaratli for sharing this photograph on flickr.


Putz said...

so you are a patty perfect wife...need to bake 5 loaves of bread before 5 am and give 3 away to the sick neighbor down the street before your exercises at 6 am and then tend to your kid who always says thank you moommy and sits quietly with his or her arms folded

Donnell Allan said...

You got it. I managed to pull it off, too. For about six days.

Thanks for understanding how this works. You have a lucky wife. Fortunately, I have a great husband who loves and encourages me, too. That makes all the difference.