Friday, April 4, 2008

To Begin: The Last Couple of Days

Wednesday I traveled with daughter K to visit our chiropractor. This we do every two weeks, and I enjoy it. It is one thing for which I will leave my house, albeit not alone. On the way there, we discussed the possibility of me dropping my daughter off at a friend's house, and then driving home by myself. The anticipation of this caused me such fear that I began to cry, and was doing so when the doctor entered our room. He was very kind and we all talked things over, and K made different arrangements.

My eldest daughter E was also disappointed by my meltdown, as she is alone in her little apartment with a new baby, and was looking forward to my company that day, too. But she understands, as does K, and they are kind to me about it all.

It is sad to disappoint the people I love.

Yesterday, Thursday, E brought the baby out to my house so that she and her husband could go out for a few hours and I could hold that little baby all that I liked. They returned and stayed for a while and I just held him and held him. Baby Ethan loved being held, and I loved holding him, and E loved having a break. So sometimes, I make the lives of loved ones better, too.

Babies are great healers. When I am holding my little grandson I feel peace.


Emily A. said...

Thats so sweet. :)

Emily A. said...

BTW. You are healing for Ethan as well. He loves being with you.

Kelli said...

babies are so sweet, just to sit and hold. Hope you have a nice weekend. I am looking forward to this new blog of yours. Love your quilts.