Sunday, May 18, 2008

Scriptures for the Wandering Mind

I love the holy scriptures. I want them to fill my mind and heart. I am convinced that much healing comes through internalizing the word of God. Sometimes, however, my mind wanders so much, when I try to read, that I find studying an unproductive and frustrating endeavor. For times like that, I need more than the written word to keep my attention. I am thankful for resources such as the online Book of Mormon Stories. Yes, they are designed for children, but I find it very helpful to look at a picture and read the synopsis of a scripture passage, then to click on the link and go to the scripture text to read it in full. I don't know how much my need for stimulation and small bites of things is due to mental illness, and how much is due to my AD/HD, but I just know that this method works for me. Maybe it will help you, too.

1 comment:

Emily A. said...

Wow. Another cool link. Thanks.